Australian Federal Government

Client Need

The National Medical Stockpile despite huge reserves in PPE in early 2020 being made, required a fast and reliable solution for a face shield.

With the Westlab face shields being previously distributed in bulk to healthcare, aged care and frontline workers, the challenge was not to be able to replenish but to do so in a short timeframe and with the quantities required.

Westlab Solution

Westlab moved quickly with manufacturing to secure and finalise production for 5 million face shields. Due to their superior comfort and fit, these made their way into the stockpile within 5 weeks.

Our team moved with agility alongside our logistics partner to ensure that logistics was bulletproof from factory to stockpile.


The face shields were delivered on time and in full. Due to speed of response the stockpile was able to ensure that healthcare and aged care workers remain protected in one of the most Covid-prevalent environments we’ve ever seen.


Face Protection


Australian Federal Government


5 Weeks


Face Shields

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