The world is seeing unparalleled changes in socio-economic interaction, chiefly catalysed by the onset of a global pandemic which continues to galvanise change. From shifts in working methods, to fashion, to management practices, change is the only constant.
Clinical involvement, while seeing a change in practices over the last decades, is further being pushed around by the times. Clinical involvement is ironically becoming more and more accessible through 2020-21, despite the pressure of global economic and social climate.
Recent studies show that clinical involvement over the past decades has evolved into a decision-making process largely involving the patient to a near-equal scale as that of the clinician. Involving the patient in decisions not only has an inevitable effect of a dramatic increase in physical clinical involvement, but a better understanding of the medical system, and a higher participation in clinical activities, not limited to merely patient consultation but clinical trials and the likes. The result is increased access to health systems in response to increased knowledge and understanding on the side of patients participating. Also contributing, is the increased physical participation of patients in clinical areas.
Where does Westlab come in?
Westlab’s involvement closely with the clinical field, including pathology, oncology, and hospitals in general, has led us to be closely interested in changes and respond with innovations.
Clinical involvement and participation levels lead changes in physical structure of clinics, changes in management including financial management and staffing, and altered operating methods. This calls for changes in clinic design, pathology systems and the likes.
Westlab’s observations see no less clinical participation, but changes in physical clinical attendance into the future. While humans—though devastated physically and circumstantially through the pandemic—long to enjoy absence of the necessary measures to combat the dreadful pathogen and get out again, clinics cannot escape (in most cases) the sense that virtual communication makes in terms of convenience, financial viability and efficiency. If this develops into a long-term lasting effect of covid-19, then the need for amenities to facilitate clinical appointments diminishes and leaves a far more efficient option for the corporate management.
However, the need for face-to-face involvement in a clinical setting will not necessarily deplete itself as a result of the pandemic. Virtuality will never replace physical involvement. Despite the fact that digital platforms support financial efficiency and stability and provide access to the remotest of locations to professional service and advice, the advice is useless without the medical resource to meet the issue.
Therefore, Westlab Projects and Westlab Health consistently provide innovations to support maximum efficiency in the clinical setting.
For example, while not strictly clinical, Westlab’s dedication to safety in the vaccine rollout in Australia has inspired us to come up with a portable administration facility using Modulab Connect to provide a flexible yet safe solution for the vaccine rollout in Australia.
The changing face of the clinical field, and indeed the health system overall, will undoubtedly define a new future for medical function. Whether it will be a dramatic and galvanising change or a long-term and slow change over time, nobody can tell for sure. One thing we know is that change is the only constant and can only be relied on as something that will continue to drive innovation, invention, success and experience into the future.