Client Need
AusPost is the largest domestic postal service in Australia. With thousands of staff in both retail settings and distribution, AusPost required clean air to ensure Australians received timely postal services.
Covid-19 was newly recognised as an aerosol-transmissible disease. Aside from healthcare-appropriate masks which are not entirely feasible in a distribution setting, what could be used to protect workers and prevent transmission?
Westlab Solution
The Aeris Aair 3-in-1 Pro HEPA purifier is ideal for removing nearly all of the risk of Covid-19 transmission. Westlab worked with global freight providers to airfreight hundreds of units for installation around Australia.
AusPost’s dedication to infection control brought a greater level of security and manageability to the HR table meaning they could stay a step ahead of the game with freight.

Medical Devices

HEPA Air Purifiers
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